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The network object and all of its attributes.

type Network {
id: ID!
title: String!
description: String
url: Url
webUrl: Url
imageUrl: Url
modifiedDate: DateTime
numberOfPodcasts: Int
contacts: [Contact]
socialLinks: NetworkSocialLinks
socialFollowerCounts: SocialFollowerCounts
podcastInsights: PodcastInsights
filters: PodcastFilters
first: Int = 10
page: Int = 0
searchTerm: String
sort: PodcastSort
paginationType: PaginationType
cursor: String
): PodcastList


id (ID!)

Podchaser's internal network IDs.

title (String!)

The title of the network .

description (String)

A string only representation of the network description.

url (Url)

The URL for the network on Podchaser.

webUrl (Url)

The homepage for the network.

imageUrl (Url)

The URL for the network's logo.

modifiedDate (DateTime)

When the network entity was last updated within Podchaser.

numberOfPodcasts (Int)

The total number of podcasts in the network.

contacts ([Contact])

A list of contact information for people related to the network. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

The social media handles for the network.

socialFollowerCounts (SocialFollowerCounts)

The follower or subscriber counts of the network on specified social media platforms.

Only available with certain permissions.

podcastInsights (PodcastInsights)

Aggregated podcast count insights for the network.

podcasts (PodcastList)

All of the network's podcasts.

Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 100.

The offset from which elements are returned.

A search term to filter on.

How to sort the results

Which type of pagination to use

The cursor from which to retrieve the next page of results