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Filters that can be applied to a podcasts query.

type PodcastFilters {
country: String
language: String
rating: RatingFilter
categories: [String]
addedDate: DateRangeInput
modifiedDate: DateRangeInput
powerScore: [RangeInput]
identifiers: [PodcastIdentifier]
dateOfFirstEpisode: DateRangeInput
dateOfLatestEpisode: DateRangeInput
hasGuests: [Boolean]
includeRemoved: Boolean
episodeAudienceEstimate: RangeInput
brandSafety: BrandSafetyFilter
status: [PodcastStatus]
socialFollowerCount: [SocialFollowerCountFilter]
networks: [NetworkIdentifier]
politicalSkew: [PoliticalSkewDirection]


country (String)

Filter by the top XX podcasts per country (normally up to 500 per country). Expected in 2-character country code, such as us or ca.

language (String)

Filter by what the podcast's feed states is the language of the podcast. Expected in 2-character language code, such as en or es.

rating (RatingFilter)

Filter by the average rating given by Podchaser user's for the podcast.

categories ([String])

Filter by the Podchaser categories attached to the podcast. Must search using the 'slug' of the category.

addedDate (DateRangeInput)

Filter by the date that a podcast was added to the Podchaser database

modifiedDate (DateRangeInput)

Filter by the date that any of the data within Podchaser was updated for a podcast.

powerScore ([RangeInput])

Filter by the podcast's PowerScore. Requires our plus or pro plans.

identifiers ([PodcastIdentifier])

Filter by specific podcast identifiers. Use Podchaser ID for best performance.

dateOfFirstEpisode (DateRangeInput)

Filter by the date of the first episode released by this podcast

dateOfLatestEpisode (DateRangeInput)

Filter by the date of the latest episode released by this podcast

hasGuests ([Boolean])

Filter by whether the podcast is likely to have guests. True - has guests, false - unlikely to have guests.

includeRemoved (Boolean)

By default, removed podcasts are not returned in results. Set this filter to true to include both removed and active podcasts.

episodeAudienceEstimate (RangeInput)

Filter by the estimated number of listeners of an episode. Requires our plus or pro plans.

brandSafety (BrandSafetyFilter)

Filter out (exclude) podcasts based on the podcasts's average episode brand safety risk assessments.

status ([PodcastStatus])

Filter by the Podcast Status

socialFollowerCount ([SocialFollowerCountFilter])

Filter by the podcast's social media subscriber count, for a given set of social platforms.

networks ([NetworkIdentifier])

Filter by the podcast's network id or title.

politicalSkew ([PoliticalSkewDirection])

Filter by the political skew of the podcast. Requires our plus or pro plans.