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Aggregated podcast count insights for the network.

type PodcastInsights {
categories: [AggregateSegment]
status: [AggregateSegment]
powerScore: [AggregateSegment]
audienceEstimate: IntegerRange
medianAge: [AggregateSegment]
genderBias: [AggregateSegment]
incomeTier: [AggregateSegment]
parentalStatus: [AggregateSegment]
countries: [AggregateSegment]
interests: [AggregateSegment]


categories ([AggregateSegment])

The number of podcasts in the network, by category.

status ([AggregateSegment])

The number of podcasts in the network, by podcast status.

powerScore ([AggregateSegment])

The number of podcasts in the network, by each range of power scores. Requires our plus or pro plans.

audienceEstimate (IntegerRange)

The total estimated monthly listens across all podcasts in the network. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

medianAge ([AggregateSegment])

The number of podcasts in the network, by listener age group. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

genderBias ([AggregateSegment])

The number of podcasts in the network, by listener gender bias. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

incomeTier ([AggregateSegment])

The number of podcasts in the network, by listener income tier. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

parentalStatus ([AggregateSegment])

The number of podcasts in the network, by listener parental status. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

countries ([AggregateSegment])

The number of podcasts in the network, by top listener country of origin. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

interests ([AggregateSegment])

The number of podcasts in the network, by top listener interest. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.