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The podcast object and all of its attributes.

type Podcast {
id: ID!
title: String!
description: String
sanitizedDescription: String
htmlDescription: String
url: Url
webUrl: Url
rssUrl: String
imageUrl: Url
language: String
modifiedDate: DateTime
numberOfEpisodes: Int
avgEpisodeLength: Int
daysBetweenEpisodes: Int
startDate: DateTime
latestEpisodeDate: DateTime
socialLinks: PodcastSocialLinks
socialFollowerCounts: SocialFollowerCounts
categories: [Category]
hasGuests: Boolean
feeds: [Feed!]
userRating: Rating
userReview: Review
ratingCount: Int
ratingAverage: Float
ratingSummary: [RatingSummary]
reviewCount: Int
applePodcastsId: String
applePodcastsIds: [String]
itunesID: String
spotifyId: String
author: EmailContact
itunesAuthor: EmailContact
powerScore: Float
audienceEstimate: Float
episodeAudienceEstimate: IntegerRange
contacts: [Contact]
demographics: PodcastDemographics
brandSafety: [BrandSafety]
status: PodcastStatus
removedInfo: PodcastRemovedInfo
networks: [Network]
politicalSkew: String
filters: EpisodeFilters
first: Int = 10
page: Int = 0
searchTerm: String
sort: EpisodeSort
paginationType: PaginationType
cursor: String
): EpisodeList
filters: CreditFilters
first: Int = 10
page: Int = 0
searchTerm: String
sort: Sort
paginationType: PaginationType
cursor: String
): PodcastCreditList
filters: ListFilters
first: Int = 10
page: Int = 0
searchTerm: String
sort: ListSort
paginationType: PaginationType
cursor: String
): ListList
filters: RatingFilters
first: Int = 10
page: Int = 0
searchTerm: String
sort: RatingSort
paginationType: PaginationType
cursor: String
): RatingList
filters: ReviewFilters
first: Int = 10
page: Int = 0
searchTerm: String
sort: ReviewSort
paginationType: PaginationType
cursor: String
): ReviewList
first: Int = 10
page: Int = 0
searchTerm: String
sort: Sort
paginationType: PaginationType
cursor: String
): PodcastList
platform: ChartPlatform!
day: Date!
category: String
country: String
sort: [PodcastChartsSortOrderByClause!] = []
first: Int = 10
page: Int = 0
): ChartPositionPaginator
first: Int = 10
page: Int = 0
searchTerm: String
sort: Sort
paginationType: PaginationType
cursor: String
): PodcastSponsorList


id (ID!)

Podchaser's internal podcast IDs.

title (String!)

The title of the podcast as specified in the RSS feed or podcast platform.

description (String)

A string only representation of the podcast description.

sanitizedDescription (String)

(Deprecated: use 'htmlDescription')

A processed version of the podcast description including sanitized HTML.

htmlDescription (String)

A processed version of the podcast description including sanitized HTML.

url (Url)

The URL for the podcast on Podchaser.

webUrl (Url)

The homepage for the podcast as specified in the RSS feed.

rssUrl (String)

The URL of the primary RSS feed for the podcast. This may be null if the podcast source is Spotify or another service.

imageUrl (Url)

The podcast artwork URL as specified in the RSS feed or podcast platform.

language (String)

The spoken language of the podcast in standard IETF format.

modifiedDate (DateTime)

When the podcast entity was last updated within Podchaser.

numberOfEpisodes (Int)

The total number of episodes this podcast has.

avgEpisodeLength (Int)

The average length, in seconds, for this podcast's episodes.

daysBetweenEpisodes (Int)

The average number of days between episodes.

startDate (DateTime)

When the podcast's first episode aired.

latestEpisodeDate (DateTime)

When the podcast's latest episode aired.

The social media handles for the podcast.

socialFollowerCounts (SocialFollowerCounts)

The follower or subscriber counts of the podcast on specified social media platforms

Only available with certain permissions.

categories ([Category])

All of the Podchaser categories of the podcast.

hasGuests (Boolean)

Whether or not this podcast is likely to have guests.

Only available with certain permissions.

feeds ([Feed!])

The known feeds for this podcast - this may include feeds from other services and previous inactive RSS feed URLs

userRating (Rating)

The existing rating for the authenticated user

Only available with certain permissions.

userReview (Review)

The existing review for the authenticated user

Only available with certain permissions.

ratingCount (Int)

ratingAverage (Float)

The raw un-weighted average of all ratings for this podcast

ratingSummary ([RatingSummary])

A summary of how many ratings per star rating for this podcast

Only available with certain permissions.

reviewCount (Int)

applePodcastsId (String)

The Apple Podcast ID (formerly iTunes ID). This field is either added when the podcast is submitted to Podchaser or Podchaser retrieves this ID after the podcast is approved by moderation team.

applePodcastsIds ([String])

In cases where a podcast has multiple Apple Podcast IDs, this field will contain all of them (including the primary ID also defined by applePodcastsId)

itunesID (String)

(Deprecated: use 'applePodcastsId')

spotifyId (String)

The Spotify ID that identifies this podcast

author (EmailContact)

The author of the podcast as defined in the RSS feed.

itunesAuthor (EmailContact)

(Deprecated: use 'author')

The author of the podcast as defined in the RSS feed.

powerScore (Float)

The podcast's PowerScore, which is Podchaser's unique attribute that represents how popular and influential a podcast is. Calculated using a proprietary algorithm which uses dozens of different factors, such as reach and subcribers. Will return null when we do not have enough data for the podcast yet to generate a Power Score. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

audienceEstimate (Float)

The estimated monthly listens the podcast receives. Will return null when we do not have enough data yet for the podcast. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

episodeAudienceEstimate (IntegerRange)

The estimated number of listeners of an episode for this podcast. Will return null when we do not have enough data yet for the podcast. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

contacts ([Contact])

A list of contact information for people related to the podcast. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

demographics (PodcastDemographics)

An aggregation of the demographics of the podcast's audience. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

brandSafety ([BrandSafety])

Average episode brand safety risk assessments for this podcast.

Only available with certain permissions.

status (PodcastStatus)

The current status of the Podcast

removedInfo (PodcastRemovedInfo)

Details regarding the removal status of the podcast.

networks ([Network])

The networks the podcast is associated with

politicalSkew (String)

The political skew of the podcast. Requires our plus or pro plans.

episodes (EpisodeList)

All the podcast's episodes.

Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 100.

The offset from which elements are returned.

A search term to filter on.

How to sort the results

Which type of pagination to use

The cursor from which to retrieve the next page of results

credits (PodcastCreditList)

Only available with certain permissions.

Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 100.

The offset from which elements are returned.

A search term to filter on.

How to sort the results

Which type of pagination to use

The cursor from which to retrieve the next page of results

lists (ListList)

Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 100.

The offset from which elements are returned.

A search term to filter on.

How to sort the results

Which type of pagination to use

The cursor from which to retrieve the next page of results

ratings (RatingList)

Ratings for this podcast by all users

Only available with certain permissions.

Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 100.

The offset from which elements are returned.

A search term to filter on.

How to sort the results

Which type of pagination to use

The cursor from which to retrieve the next page of results

reviews (ReviewList)

Reviews for this podcast by all users

Only available with certain permissions.

Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 100.

The offset from which elements are returned.

A search term to filter on.

How to sort the results

Which type of pagination to use

The cursor from which to retrieve the next page of results

similarPodcasts (PodcastList)

A list of podcasts that are similar to the podcast. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 100.

The offset from which elements are returned.

A search term to filter on.

How to sort the results

Which type of pagination to use

The cursor from which to retrieve the next page of results

charts (ChartPositionPaginator)

The chart rankings of the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Requires our plus or pro plans.

Only available with certain permissions.

Limits number of fetched items. Maximum allowed value: 100.

The offset from which elements are returned.

sponsors (PodcastSponsorList)

A list of brands which have sponsored episodes of this podcast

Only available with certain permissions.

Limits number of fetched elements. Maximum allowed value: 100.

The offset from which elements are returned.

A search term to filter on.

How to sort the results

Which type of pagination to use

The cursor from which to retrieve the next page of results